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About Scripture

Four volumes of Scripture
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Early Version
Volume 1
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Standard Version
Volume 2
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Enhanced Version
Volume 3
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Simplified Version
Volume 4

The One Gospel Bible is the product of merging the four New Testament gospels into one complete narration about the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ, without changing a single word of Scripture.


The four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are harmonious, but complementary. Each gospel writer accurately wrote about the same Person, Jesus Christ the Lord, as each witnessed or received from the Holy Spirit. No wonder, among many other diverse examples, the gospel by John narrates the wedding feast in Cana which the other gospels did not. Luke narrates the birth, early childhood, and resurrection of Christ in greater details than the other gospels.


It is to strengthen existing knowledge of who Christ the Lord is, and to find why Christ is holy, that it pleased the Holy Spirit to merge the gospels. Promising to display His power to do wonders with this first-of-its-kind Scripture, especially by pointing everyone to attain holiness by righteous character like Christ. Like raising the dead, let it is not look strange that God would merge the four gospels (Acts 26:8).


This is to implement the Everlasting Father God’s pre-creation decision to have a household of innumerable children holy like Himself, to dwell with forever. Therefore, God created mankind by Holy Spirit, to have pleasure seeing Christ His Holy Firstborn Son in them all.


By supporting the release of this first-of-its-kind Scripture, you join to implement God's desire to have innumerable holy children, for generations!

Call to Action

Despite oppositions in the dark ages to translating the Latin Vulgate or Bible into common languages, King James I England courageously stood up to support his God in heaven to release the English translation: Today called the King James Version of the Holy Bible. Imagine the impact of KJV in the hands of God, since then!

This the call to support God to mass produce and distribute this first-time Scripture, The One Gospel Bible.

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Reading Scripture
How To Study This Scripture (Recommended)
Learn about Scripture features
  1. First examine the Scripture ‘Contents’ and ‘How to Use.’ Optionally, to understand the background for this Scripture, study the ‘Preface.’

  2. Then enjoy reading the 68 chapters of the Merged Gospels Text, knowing that you will not miss anything in the Life and Ministry of Christ the King. Afterwards, the ‘Subtitles Search Menu,’ helps to easily find to study specific interests about Christ in the Merged Text. Although the Merged Text is the same in all volumes 1- 4, only volumes 2 and 3 contain centralized mini-commentaries with special notes and attributes for study references.


Study to Learn His Holy Ways


  1. Go on to study Part 1, God’s Priority; followed by Part 7, Path to Glory in the Tabernacle of Christ. In Part 7, pay attention to understand the House God built and wants built, and the Christian Race to the Top with its 3 simple steps.

  2. Fulfil steps 1 and 2, then enter the Holy Place to find why Christ is holy, by studying Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. God’s priority for mankind is Part 3, Holy by His Righteous Character.

  3. Precept upon precept, line after line, a little today and a little tomorrow: Easily study and practice daily each attribute of His Righteous Character until attaining the beauty of His Holiness by Righteous Character, even without a human teacher (Isaiah 28:10; Psalm 96:9).

  4. For this reason of His priority, the Simplified version volume 4 contains only Holiness by His Character: Compared with volume 1 with only the merged text, and volumes 2 and 3 containing full features of His holy ways and/or His deep love. Check definitions of keywords in the Standard Concordance contained in volumes 2 and 3, abridged in volume 4.


Study to Know His Deep Love

  1. Go on to study attributes of His deep love for mankind: With contexts and illustrations that can enjoy expanding to produce books, music, movies, communications, and others own talents that broadcast God’s deep love for mankind.


Other Study Options


  1. The Encyclopedia cataloguing His holy ways and deep love, contained in Scripture volumes 2 and 3. It serves as an overview and reference, for Scholars and Elders.

  2. The Standard Concordance contain key words, each with insightful contemporary and bible definitions and study references, that altogether further reveal who Christ the Lord is.


Everyone throughout all generations who attain the Everlasting Father God’s purpose and priority for creating mankind before Christ the King returns, is eternally blessed.

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