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Image by Eastman Childs

Welcome to Scripture International

Scripture International is a Christian not-for-profit Secretariat, focused on building houses like Portraits of Christ and Spiritual Houses for God in righteousness.


Play a role. Experience  in this rewarding mission, and experience God's promise to bless everyone who would support Him to mass produce and distribute Scripture.

Portraits of Christ

Launching Scripture with


Our amazing collection of products include, Scripture, books, and branded items, that reveal Christ's holy ways and deep love. Purchasing these products supports God's work to translate Scripture into major languages for mass distribution: With blessings for your generosity.


To receive eCopy of selected book, please send title(s) to the Secretariat. Expect your eBook(s) within 24 hours. Expect Paperback within 2-4 weeks, depending on location worldwide. Give God an Offering after receiving product and Service.


Remember to complete the Membership FormThen enter into a Covenant of blessings, by faith in God who promised. 

Promoting Scripture
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Launching Scripture with



Have you heard about our amazing consultancy services in education, institutionalization, and book editing and publishing? By choosing us to serve you with a freewill offering afterwards, you support God's work to translate Scripture into major languages for mass production and distribution. And as a thank for your generosity, you can watch God fulfill His promise to bless. Let's work together to make a difference!

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1. Curriculum Development for Christian Centres of Learning and Thought

This organization provides support to Christian schools and universities in developing effective educational curricula. Upon completion of the curriculum, scholars are qualified for graduation and ordination as representatives of Christ in the land.

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2. Institutionalizing the Holy Ways of God in a Little of Everything.

Our consultancy services aim to help you integrate strategic approaches and values of client care into your business. To demonstrate to your customers that you genuinely care. By doing so, you can expect to see a significant increase in profits and favor.

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3. Editing and Publishing Author's Complete Manuscripts and  Books.

Our team of dedicated highly-qualified editors are excited to assist both new and authors, including content creators, to  proofread their manuscripts: And to provide top-notch self-publishing services. Do not hesitate. Contact us today, and lets get going!

Support God to mass produce and distribute Scripture, stand to gain eternal reward.


Open Letter in your language

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Carta para Você

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Collaborating Institutions

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