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Writer's pictureImuetinyan Igbinnosa

It is Happening All Around Us - The Valley of Useless Stones

Promoting Scripture for Support
Scripture and Valley of Stones Thrown to Earth

Real things are happening all around us in the spirit or unseen realm, only few people are paying attention to. Here is one example. Like the Valley of Dry Bones Prophet Ezekiel saw,1 there is another Valley full of Stones. As Adam the first stone came alive after God’s Breath entered clay molded in God’s image,2 so these stones in the valley were alive not dead! Having one thing in common, these precious living stones had all been flung into that valley by Christ the Lord God because all were useless to Him!3 If dead stones could be used to build Altars of Sacrifices, and build the Jerusalem Temple: And useful in God’s Hands to write the Ten Commandments, for Judgment, to write Overcomer’s new names as a reward, and even serve to praise God;4 what is wrong with these useless living precious stones found in the valley?

“I am disappointed in him,” Christ once sent to tell one man a few years ago. This servant of God was a powerful minister of the gospel, yet he was useless to the Lord! How and why? Like everyone in the world, this believer could not wait to follow the Lord’s help and guidance: Instead, organized his life and ministry according to his own mind and strategic plan.5 Unable to seek and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit, defiling goat demon spirits easily enter. Soon distracted by pursuit of wealth and advantage from God’s priority of righteous character like Christ, ungodly habits like conflicts and idolatry characterize living stones unable to perform what God commands to do! So, fling! And another stone landed in the Valley of useless Stones! But one among the useless lot began crying to God, “I repent Lord, and will henceforth seek and obey Your voice.” This repentant precious living stone had come to his senses, like the prodigal son!6 Suddenly, without warning, God reached down for that repentant living stone, and threw it again. But this time, it was for another opportunity for sinners to go and sin no more: For believers to attain God’s priority for sending everyone into the world: And for ministers to go and succeed to do what God commands to do. This is abundant grace, which this season of abundant blessings brings to you. Or, do you want to remain in the Valley of Useless Stones?

If your answer is "No," then you need this help from above, The One Gospel Bible. This first-of-its-kind Scripture is the power of God waiting to perform the miraculous wonder of pointing and leading everyone until attaining God's priority mentioned above.7 Purchase a copy for yourself, or copies as gifts to family and friends, or simply give any level of freewill donation in SI Donorbox or options. Anyway, you support God to mass produce and distribute Scripture translations. A good way also, to offer thanksgiving to God for all the benefits to you and family over the years. On top of all that you enter God's covenant promise, “I will repay all who loan to Me." You stand to gain eternal reward, with abundant blessings this season and beyond. Act Now!

As we celebrate this Season of abundant blessings, choose not to remain in the Valley of Useless Stones. Become useful to God Almighty by your decision and support, before that great day comes. As the Spirit of God counsels, “The most important thing to remember, is that Jesus Christ is coming again soon to reward everyone according to their works.”8


1Ezekiel 37:1-5. Holy Bible.

2Job 33:4; Genesis 2:7; Ezekiel 18:4. Holy Bible.

3Revelation 3:15-16. Holy Bible.

4Exodus 20:25, 31:18; Deuteronomy 21:21; Revelation 2:17; Luke 19:40-44. Holy Bible.

5Lamentation 3:25-26; Exodus 23:21; John 16:13-15. Holy Bible.

6Luke 15:11-32. Holy Bible.

7Ecclesiastics 8:4. Holy Bible.

8Revelation 22:12. Holy Bible.

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