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Writer's pictureImuetinyan Igbinnosa

Rabbi Judah, the Emperor, and the Tiny Scroll

During the second century, in the Old Roman Empire, Emperor Antoninus and Rabbi Judah where close friends. Chief redactor and editor of the Jewish Mishnah, 135 – 217 AD, the Jewish Rabbi was highly respected among the Roman aristocracy for his wisdom and forthrightness. Emperor Antoninus, on the other hand, was a good emperor because he avoided wars, and had a conservative financial policy that promoted savings rather than spending. The Emperor even reversed laws of his predecessors, to make them less harsh. Historians agree that friendship with the respected Rabbi, played the key role in his just and compassionate governance that brought relative peace during his reign. Like it happened one day.

Emperor Antoninus the dutiful had given a sparkling and expensive diamond stone, as gift to Rabbi Judah. Every member of the aristocracy so honoured understood the unspoken rule, that the Emperor expected a gift in return. God’s command to give without expecting anything in return, was alien to the Romans then!1

Rabbi Judah arrived the Imperial Golden Palace, Domus Aurea, on the Oppian Hill in the heart of ancient Rome: And was immediately ushered into the throne room, with its imposing and intricate works of architecture. Official courtesies and pleasantries over, the Rabbi extended his reciprocal gift to his expectant friend. Receiving the tiny Scroll, the Emperor frowned. “Is this all you can give me, in return for the expensive diamond I gave you?” the Emperor asked bluntly. With equal candour the Rabbi replied, “Thank you, dominus noster, for your imperial generosity.…” The Emperor interrupted his friend, “I know all that. Tell me something I do not know.” Without missing a beat, the erudite Rabbi continued, “The gift you gave to me, Princep, I must guard from thieves and stain. But the gift I give you, will guard your soul from thieves and stain: And in the end give you eternal life.” Silence! A leader is good, not because they hate criticism, but because they seek to increase in learning and wisdom.3 Intrigued by the mysterious Scroll, the Emperor unrolled his tiny gift. He read the verse of Scripture written on it:

“This Book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth. But you shall meditate on it, both day and night: So, you observe to do all that is written on it. Then, you will make your way prosperous, and you shall have good success.”4

Emperor Antoninus was thoughtful as he broke the silence, “’Guard my soul from thieves and stain?’ Explain this to me.” Exactly what the Rabbi had hoped for: Another opportunity to explain the Laws of God. Everyone knew Rabbi Judah was reason for the Emperor’s good policies, the common people loved. Both men began walking in the grandiose Palace Garden area. “The world with everything in it is passing away: But whoever does the will of God remains forever...” Rabbi Judah began to explain.5

Like the Scroll, this is the opportunity the Power of God Almighty wants to do using The One Gospel Bible. To reveal and explain the holy ways and deep love of God to the world, and everything about this present age. For everyone, like the Emperor, who truly seek after God to know and follow. Like the Emperor Antoninus, parents and leaders will increase in learning and wisdom: And in turn instruct their children and citizens the way of eternal life. This way, bring peace and security into our troubled homes and world, increasingly desperate for answers to widening insecurity. You have a stake in this, and a role to play.


1Matthew 6 vs. 1-3. Luke 6 vs. 35.

2Treasures of His Word. Vol. 1. Tilling in the Night. Igbinnosa I. 2021. Scripture International, Abuja Nigeria, 312 pages. (Buy your paperback copy, today) Or purchase eCopy cheaply from,

3Proverbs 9:8-10.

4Joshua 1 vs. 8.

5Exodus 19:7-8; 1st John 2 vs. 17; Matthew 6 vs. 19-21.

6Matthew 6:30, 8:26, 14:31, 17:20.

7Deuteronomy 1:34-40.

8Galatians 1:8, 3:1.

9Luke 16:31.

10Proverbs 5:30.

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