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Writer's pictureImuetinyan Igbinnosa

The Eclipse - Sign of Warning and Opportunity for the Ages

“It’s happening! It’s happening!” the man Aden cried pointing to the sky above. Medan turned to look, and joined with repeated outburst, “Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.” It was a little after midday, that darkness began covering everywhere like a blanket. Creeping slowly across the sky, everyone below watched with excitement as the moon gradually aligned with the midday sun and total darkness covered everywhere. A total eclipse that lasted for several hours. But what happened on Monday 8 April 2024 in the United States of America, Mexico, and Canada, predicted to happen again in August 2026, is not a new phenomenon.

Historians agree that a famous eclipse occurred sometime between 793 to 750 BC, when God Almighty sent the prophet Jonah to go and warn the wicked people of Nineveh of His coming judgement.1 It is not clear whether this eclipse was happening as Jonah, thrown into the raging sea, was praying for deliverance in the belly of a whale. What is clear however is, as Jonah began walking from one end of the Great City to the other preaching with a loud voice, “In 40 days, Nineveh will be destroyed:”2 The Ninevites were ready for a miracle.

Imagine that all the prior information and advice by modern science in 2024 AD, could not stop Aden and Medan’s outbursts as the eclipse occurred. How then did the Ninevites, who had no such prior information and advice, react to an incredible eclipse they knew nothing about? Scripture tells us how they reacted. On hearing Jonah’s warning, the Ninevites believed, and all began crying with loud voices to God in fervent repentance. It was great fear that made their king Ashur-Dan III, 773-755 BC, fall off his throne to the ground. The terrified king completely forgot the dignity of his office, as he replaced his kingly robes with sackcloth worn mostly by poor herders and field laborers. Throwing all kinds of ashes on himself, the king did not quite know what he was saying as he proclaimed that all Ninevites plus animals should fast and pray. Even the disapproving Jonah was astonished at the response of the Ninevites. Predictably, the Lord God who knows how to catch people’s attention, forgave the repentant sinners.3 By the time King Ashur-Niravi V, the brother and successor of King Ashur-Dan III, began to reign in Nineveh, it had become the custom of the Assyrians to regard eclipses as warnings of God’s judgment.

Another eclipse occurred after Herod the Great executed Rabbis Matthias and Judah, for protesting and pulling down the golden eagle Herod had erected at the Jerusalem Temple entrance. Remember the golden calf in the wilderness?4 According to Josephus the historian, the painful plague that struck and tormented Herod after killing men more righteous than himself, was God’s displeasure for Herod’s string of wicked acts. First, the abomination of setting up an idol in God’s holy Temple, and the persecution of His Saints. The first century eclipse became a warning for everyone who like arrogant Herod, would not glorify God.5

Again, historians agree with Scripture, that an important eclipse also occurred at Golgotha.6 A thick darkness covered all the land for 3 hours in the daytime, as Christ the Lamb of God hung on the Cross to atone for sins of the world. An eclipse, accompanied by a terrible earthquake, that frightened even the most hardened Roman soldier. Crying with great fear, the Centurion acknowledged, “Truly, this was the Son of God.”7

Then comes the greatest Eclipse that will herald what the Spirit of God says is the most important thing everyone should remember: That Jesus Christ is coming soon to reward everyone according to their works. After the tribulations like that which happened to Rabbi Mattias and Judah protesting idolatry and sin, Sunlight will be turned-off without warning. The world will suddenly have an eerie pitch black and red appearance, beyond the understanding of modern technology. Like arresting and disarming criminals, everything the world takes pride in will simply cease to exist. In space, land, sea, or under the earth, every weapon of war, wealth, beauty, and all, will fall and vanish away. Imagine the resultant confusion and terror, with nowhere to hide for the leaders, elites, and mediums who trouble this world by not glorifying God in heaven.8 Like convicted criminals in a Law Court, there is no sympathy for all who will not glorify God on Judgement Day.

But before that terrible day comes, Scriptural and historical evidence show that the April 2024 eclipse is a portent of warning and opportunity. Warning like that by the prophet Jonah, that God in heaven has set aside a day to punish people and nations: Like it happened to king Herod, for their strings of wicked idolatry, violence, persecution of God’s people, and the arrogance of not glorifying God.

The April 2024 eclipse also brings the opportunity to take God seriously, by believing God’s Message with heart-felt repentance like the Ninevites. Then to acknowledge the truth about Christ the Lamb of God like the Roman centurion, so you receive Power to learn His holy ways before Judgment Day comes.

This is why the unique Scripture, The One Gospel, is important. It contains God’s Message and Power to heed the warning, and to take the opportunity of the Ages, the Eclipses signal. Judgement Day is near. Be ready.


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1Thiele, Edwin R. 1983. The mysterious numbers of the Hebrew kings. 3rd edition. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Zondervan- Kregel: 2Jonah 3:1-10: 3Jonah 3:5-10, 4:1-3, 10: 4Exodus 32:1-4, 25-28:

5Flavius Josephus. Antiquities, 17.6.2-4/17.149-167: Acts 12:21-23:

Reiss, F. 1880. Das Geburtsiahr Christi. Freiburg, Germany. Herder. 283-285: Daniel 12:11-12: 6Steinmann, Andrew E. 2011. From Abraham to Paul: A Biblical Chronology. St Louis, MO, Concordia, Vol. 329:257-289: 7Matthew 27:45, 54: 8Matthew 24:29-31; Revelation 6:12-17

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