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Writer's pictureImuetinyan Igbinnosa

The Mind of God for Sabbath Day

Stepping out of his vehicle after laboring all day, the man stretched and yawned. “I am so tired,” he said. With that, he walked into his house and was soon fast asleep. Is this how God rested on the seventh day, after six days of hard labor creating the heavens and earth? As Scripture says, “He rested on the seventh day.”

The Spirit of God explains: The Creator’s rest means that He finished doing all that He planned to do in creation. On that seventh day, the Creator accomplished the goals He set out to accomplish. He finished to the minutest detail, all He planned to create. Like Christ said on the Cross, “It is finished.” Meaning that His purpose for coming into the world to destroy the works of the devil and to save humankind, is accomplished: The dispensation of freedom to be saved and healed is open to all who will only believe what Christ did to save sinners. So, nothing remained of all God planned to do. This is the rest of God. The awesome Creator did not go to sleep after six days labor to create the heavens and the earth: Neither did He stop working on the seventh day. As Christ our Lord confirmed, “My Father is always at His work to this very day: And I too am working.”

It was a contented Father God who blessed that seventh day and hallowed it by setting it apart from all other days as special. Like a person’s birthday, or a national holiday like the Independence day everybody gathers to celebrate. So, the Sabbath is Father God’s special holyday or holiday He commands everyone to gather to celebrate. As Scripture says, “Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.” Which day of the week is the true Sabbath day, and how do we keep it holy?

The Holy Spirit says “Any day of the week can be the Sabbath. Only hallow that day. The day every one of you agree to observe as the Sabbath day, is acceptable to God.” So, the Sabbath day can be any day of the week a group of people or nation agree, by consensus, as Sabbath day. The Holy Spirit explained further, “Treat it with respect, as holy (or sacred) and consecrated to God: To hallow the holy Name of God. He is the Lord.” The Sabbath day is the day dedicated to God, we gather in sacred assemblies to remember how and why God created the heavens and the earth with everything and everyone in them. A day set apart from the rest, to remember that God created mankind to have pleasure seeing Himself in us all. Therefore, we gather to worship God by running the Christian race to the top: With offerings of praise and thanksgiving to the awesome Creator for who He is: He is God Almighty, the Blessed Owner of us all in the heavens and earth.

As the Lord explained further: Secular works are nonspiritual and temporal, and they keep people focused on material needs. Warning that all who dedicate themselves to secular work, will one day perish along with secular works. Only people doing the work Christ the Lord of the Sabbath has given, are authorized to keep working on the Sabbath Day. What work is that? Christ’s command to love God by acts of obedience, and to love your neighbor by acts of kindness. Carry on activities of obedience and kindness, also on the Sabbath day. The Holy Spirit explains, that all who observe the Sabbath as Christ the Lord has authorized, must do so by faith. Otherwise, the Lord commands everyone in these last days to cease from all secular work to celebrate His Sabbath. Like a thermometer measure temperature, so the Sabbath measures devotion to God. People who hallow the Sabbath day, put the awesome

Creator into remembrance until the consciousness and intimacy with the Creator becomes a part of them. These enjoy the blessings of Sabbath: And they enjoy the power to do wonders, that this unique Scripture brings.

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