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Writer's pictureImuetinyan Igbinnosa

The Power of Knowledge Scripture Bring

Knowledge is information for learning and wisdom; and there are many types in the world. The one quality that characterizes all the types of knowledge in the world is that they are all temporal, except the knowledge of God. It makes sense to add to all the other temporal knowledge like College and technology education, the more important knowledge of God that Scripture brings. The reason is: Unlike all others, the knowledge of God brings eternal life. This is the power in the Holy Bible: And in this unique Scripture, The One Gospel Bible (TOG), that strengthens existing knowledge of who God is. Discover the transformative life-giving power that will come to you, and to multitude people for generations: And the eternal reward that will come to all who will support God to mass produce and distribute this unique Scripture.

Transformative Power of TOG for Generations

  1. It clearly defines God’s priority for Humanity: Discover exactly why you were born, and the purpose for your birth. By discovering why Christ the Lord is holy, you will find the explanation to the purpose for your birth given by the Creator Himself, “I am God Almighty: I created you to have pleasure seeing Myself in you.” TOG helps to find direction in and for life, and brings spiritual peace and happiness many people are searching for.

  2. It does exactly what it says: TOG is like a house built on the mountaintop, looking down on all the other books: Because, as God said on its completion, “This is not a storybook, it is Scripture.” Meaning that it is the Word of God. “Then said the Lord to me, ‘You have seen well: For I am alert, and actively watching over My word to perform it.’” (Jeremiah 1 vs. 12). “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.” (TOG 56 vs. 47).

  3. It brings complete knowledge and understanding: It is the one-stop-shop about Christ the Lord. In this merged gospel, produced without changing a single word of Scripture, discover the complete narration about the Life and Ministry of the same Person, Jesus Christ the Son of God. All in one place, this unique Scripture ensures that you will not miss anything about who Christ the Lord is, as narrated by the four New Testament gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. “Haven had perfect understanding of all things from the first, it seemed good to me to write to you an orderly account, excellent Friends of God: That you may know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed.” (TOG 1 vs. 4-5; Luke 1 vs. 3- 4).

  4. It brings true wisdom: Wisdom is the application of knowledge. The application of the knowledge of God TOG strengthens, is the true and eternal wisdom that is the principal thing. “Get wisdom: And in your getting, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4 vs. 7). With TOG, discover how wisdom makes a man’s face to shine (male and female), and the hardness of his (her) face is changed.” (Ecclesiastics 8 vs. 1).

  5. It brings spiritual fruitfulness: Discover how a person’s life becomes like a “tree planted by the river side that is always fruitful: Its leaves never dry, and they never die” (Psalms 1 vs. 2-3). Unlike the fig tree that dried up from the curse because it did not produce or have any fruits: TOG helps to produce spiritual fruits of righteousness in due season, and so bring blessings of generations like the fruitful tree planted by the river side.

  6. It brings opportunity to honor God: Not only does TOG come with power to transform flawed character to become holy like Christ, it also comes with good promises. “Anyone who helps Me to release this Scripture, will be known to Me for their kindness. I am grateful,” says God Almighty. Honoring God with your support to release this Scripture, will make you become known to a grateful God. Imagine that! .

  7. It brings knowledge about God you did not know before: Do you know the Origin of God? How was Christ the Lord born before creation began? Do you know how many Names the Son of God has on earth and in heaven? How is Christ holy by His Names, Deity, Character, Fulfilled prophecies, and Testimonies. Do you know how Christ the Lord expounded all Scripture about Himself, as He travelled with two disciples to Emmaus? Have you received the spiritual intellectualism to be able to discern that which comes from God from that which does not: And be able to know the meaning behind the words God speaks? Anyone who knows the mind of God for His utterances, know God. What is the Christian race, and how is it run? Find the answers to these questions, and many other hard questions about God, in the TOG. This unique Scripture truly strengthens existing knowledge about who Christ the Lord is. It is extraordinary!!

  8. It strengthens your faith and Trust In God: Like an x-ray, discover inside TOG things only Christ the Lord can do. Things which no other person in the world, past or present, has done or can do. Jesus gives sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, and heals all manner of diseases. He walks on the turbulent high seas as if on land, and feeds multitude of people with only a few loaves and fish: Jesus raises the dead, and preaches the gospel to the poor in spirit. Accurate knowledge of these realities TOG brings, with their implications on transforming human life and living, will surely strengthen everyone’s faith and trust in Christ the Lord. (TOG 18 vs. 4-7; Matthew 11 vs. 1-6). Only believe!

Eternal Reward to Partnership Supporters

9. It brings prosperity and good success: It is the word of God that every human spirit needs. As Scripture says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth (always declare it). You shall read and meditate on it day and night (So it does not escape your mind). So you have the power to do everything that is written in it (Wisdom is knowledge applied). That is how you make your way prosperous, and become very successful in life.” (Joshua 1 vs. 28). This is what Christ the Lord meant when He said, “If you abide in Me, and My word abide in you: You will ask whatever you desire, and it shall be done for you.” (TOG 60 vs. 8).

10. It brings eternal reward: Concerning TOG, God said, “Tell them to give Me an offering (for mass production and distribution of TOG). I will repay all who loan to Me,” Christ the Lord. God sees your offering to help release Scripture, as a loan. Unlike that by any human or institution, the rewards of God are eternal. The blessing of a grateful God makes a person become rich, and have eternal life. These are example of what TOG partnership supporters stand to gain

Some Inspirational Quotes to Uplift your Spirit.

Find Purpose for Life:

  • “The Word of God to every human being on earth: ‘I created you that I may have pleasure seeing Myself in you.’” (TOG – Why Christ is Holy, verse 1)

Find Peace and Security

  • Signs of the end times: “For nation will rise against nations… But not a hair of your head will be lost.” (TOG 56 vs. 7,16)

  • “Come to Me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Cast your cares on Me, for I care for you.” (TOG 38 vs. 26)

  • “Let not your heart be troubled. My peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you: Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither be afraid.” (TOG 59 vs. 53)

  • “And these signs shall follow them that believe: In My Name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues. Even if they take up serpent (spiritual), and if they drink anything deadly (unknowingly) it will by no means hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick, and the sick shall recover. And look, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen” (TOG 68 vs. 37-39).

To quote all the words of Christ to express His deep love for you, and for the world, would be like rewriting the whole TOG Scripture. Order your copy today: And help many throughout the world for generations to also discover God’s holy ways and deep love that leads to abundant eternal life. For enquiries and donations please visit for contact information. Thank you, and God bless you.

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