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Writer's pictureImuetinyan Igbinnosa

True Praise and Worship, With Scripture

From moment the Everlasting Father realized He existed alone in the pitch-black universe, the Life that flows in Him is the consciousness of Himself as the only God in the universe. Seated calmly and thoughtfully on His Eternal Throne, no one need remind Father God that He is the only Self-existent Sovereign God of the universe. Or remind God that, there is no other God besides Him: Or that all exist by His sovereign will, and are all the works of His Hands: Or that heavens and the earth may pass away, but His decision and desire will be accomplished. He knows all these, and more, about Himself! What then is the value of praise and worship in the world?

The day the Lord Himself appeared in a Church assembly, nodding His head and tapping His Feet as His children praised Him: Clearly shows that the Lord enjoys it when His saints extol and magnify Him in many talented ways, like singing, drama, arts and craft, writing, talking, inventing, and many other diverse expressions. The Lord enjoys the praise of His children, not because we are reminding Him of who He is through praise. No! The Lord knows Himself! But primarily because, praise enlightens and encourages saints to worship God. As Christ the Lord revealed, “You worship Me by running the Christian race to the top. ‘The Top,’ meaning, until made holy by righteous character like Christ: The very thing that The One Gospel (Scripture) does. What this simply means is that praise and worship go together. You cannot have one, without the other. To praise the Lord by acts of adoration, without worshipping God by running the Christian race to the top, is hypocrisy! “I know who you are: You are the Holy One of God. You are Jesus, Son of God the Highest,” praised the noisy disorderly demons one day. But the Lord replied sharply, ‘Be quiet, and come out of him” (Luke 4 vs. 31-35). Why? Because the demons were praising the Lord, without worshipping Him! The sycophants were not interested in worshipping the Lord by running the Christian race, they only wanted favors. All that praise was intended to lure the Lord, if possible, to allow them to remain in the tormented man. Since the Lord would have none of that, the demons begged to be sent into the many swine feeding nearby, rather than into that most dreaded abyss. The Lord agreed because judgement day had not come: And the request did not interfere with the Lord’s agenda to save the world, so we worship God without fear the rest of our days. As the Lord said to Pharaoh, “Let My people go, so they worship Me.” (Exodus 8:1, 20): And to the devil, “Get behind Me, Satan! You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him alone you shall serve.”

The truth is that sycophants are not interested in worshipping God. They only want favors, using praise as the key! What is the difference between a person praising but not worshipping God, and the demons who do the same thing? You judge. Like the Lord said recently about a religious group, “If you watch carefully, you will discover that they are not really worshipping Me.” Yet, worship is the Lord’s priority for the world (John 4 vs. 24). Like Christ, the life that flows in us humans are the knowledge of the Godhead, and of the purpose for which we were born and nurtured: Expressed by praising and worshipping God as members of His household. Anyone who does not know God, or the purpose for birth, has no life. It is here that the importance of the One Gospel Bible comes. Yes, the Lord enjoys praise, even if to seek prosperity, only when it exhorts and uplifts to worship God by running the Christian race to the top: Or else, the Lord is not enjoying even that most vibrant praise. It is to help worship God, so heart-felt praise brings the God’s favor: This is another importance of The One Gospel Bible. Support God today to mass produce and distribute Scripture: Help the world enjoy the value of true praise and worship.

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