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Writer's pictureImuetinyan Igbinnosa

Why Should Anyone Support God with an Offering to Translate and Mass Produce this Scripture?

Opportunity to Bless with Eternal Life and Properties

Heads of governments and their first ladies, as well as elite corporate and spiritual leaders: None have so far, expressed interest to support God in this eternal matter. Yet, it was fitting for her late Majesty the Queen of England, defender of the faith, to have added this legacy to the many others. But it did not please HRM Queen Elizabeth II, before her demise, to go beyond a kind and warm ‘greetings to all of you.’ Would HRM King Charles III of England, and heads of governments and first ladies, do for this Scripture what King James I of England courageously did for the English translation of the Holy Bible in the 17th Century?

Reflecting the mind of many, a corporate leader asked, “What do I get in return for supporting God in this matter?” A lot! True, this Scripture Copyright belongs to God, therefore the Right of Ownership cannot be sold, leased, or transferred; except as it pleases the Owner to do: As God said, “I will do wonders with it in the land, because I own it.”

The Apostle Paul once wondered, “Why do you consider it incredible that God would raise the dead:” Or that God would merge the four New Testament gospels into one, with findings why Christ is holy (Acts 26:8)? Spiritual leaders contacted, have so far not responded to God’s command to “Go to the Bishops.” Like it happened in the dark ages when the Word of God was scarce in the world because, pursuit of wealth and advantage had distracted the Clergy from God’s priority to have innumerable holy sons like Christ. Even considering it heresy to translate the Latin Bible into common languages, so the masses can finally read the Holy Bible to know God by themselves!

In the light of these developments, why would God Almighty not directly provide the funding to mass produce and distribute His Scripture Himself: Since He owns the heavens and earth, with everything in them? The answer lies with the Lord’s Character, His agenda to save and heal, and the opportunity He seeks to bless. Firstly, the Lord characteristically delights to partner with men, and with anyone who is willing and obedient (Isaiah 1:19-20). For example, the Almighty could have written this unique Scripture Himself, like He wrote the Ten Commandments in ancient times with His Own Fingers (Exodus 31:18). Instead, the Lord God chose to call and dictate to His scribes, two Nigerians, the merging of the four New Testament gospels into one complete narration: With the different features, including both findings why Christ is holy and the depth of His love (2nd Timothy 3:16-17).

Secondly, the Lord God is performing His pledge made since ancient times to demonstrate His power to save and heal by destroying sin and death using weak flesh and blood. Like God chose to deliver Israel out of severe bondage in Egypt, by the hands of the man Moses: Himself became flesh and blood to save from sin and death, all who will believe in His atoning death and resurrection: And until today uses weak and foolish men to carry on His business of healing the world (1st Corinthians 1:27; Hebrews 2:14-15). This is the power waiting to be unleashed with this Scripture: And the partnership between God and man that works, until the day God has set aside to change everything Himself in one second. Then will reward everyone for supporting, or not supporting Him today.

Thirdly, the Lord God always seeks opportunity to bless with the true riches of eternal life and properties: In return for honoring Him with temporal riches and privileges that moth and rust like inflation, theft, devaluation, and insecurity can come steal or destroy anytime (Matthew 6:19-21). God is only testing and watching to see who among the people will respond to Him, in a world where many are proud lovers of self and not lovers of God (Acts 17:27-28; 2nd Timothy 3:2-5). Still, the promise to “repay all who loan to Me,” means that the Almighty sees offerings made to Him as a loan! This promise is a huge opportunity to be blessed by God!

Importance Of Scripture

God the Owner of the heavens and earth with all their untold riches, does not need to owe any human since we are all the work of His Hands. It is His Breath flowing in every one of us, that gives us life in this wonderful earth God created for mankind! By telling everyone to, “Give Me an offering,” the Good Father in heaven wants to see who will obey Him: So, there is funding in His House to mass produce and distribute this first-of-its-kind Scripture, God has promised to do wonders with, in the land. By adding the promise, “I will repay all who loan to Me,” the Almighty Father is sending greetings of peace and goodwill to everyone who will take God seriously; so they and generations of people learn His holy ways even without a teacher: And is watching to see who among the people will receive His good promise made through Christ His Firstborn Son, to bless with eternal life and properties all who believe and obey Him (John 10:10, 4:14). But why would God Personally call for support to translate and release The One Gospel Bible?

The importance of this unique Scripture is rooted in God’s pre-creation decision, not to continue existing alone in the universe. Instead, God planned to have a family of innumerable sons to dwell with forever, each born and nurtured until holy by righteous character like Christ the Original. This is why God created mankind, male and female: And gave them the Holy Bible containing the knowledge of Christ their Example to follow or resemble (Genesis 1:26-27; Matthew 16:24-28). It is to strengthen existing knowledge of who Christ the Lord is, in these last days, that God produced The One Gospel Bible, and wants it released. Not only is this Scripture inspired by God to help everyone easily find why Christ is holy, it helps all to attain their purpose for birth into the world. It is also the Word of God that is the light that shines in this dark and insecure world: To lead everyone trained by it into a brighter and best future, until eternal life. This unique Scripture is the power of God waiting to be unleashed, to perform the wonder of human character change to become holy by righteous character like Christ the Prince of peace. This is important in a world looking for answers to widening insecurities and death, caused by flawed ungodly human character.

A wise investor would invest his resources, in the hope of having good returns on investment in future. Since every investment is a risk, they simply count their losses and hopefully move on if the investment fails. But if the investment yields plenty of returns, the investor celebrates! This is the global practice to make money that is both temporal, and has no eternal value after this life. Yet God says, ‘give Me this temporal thing as support to release My Scripture, and you stand to gain eternal reward.’

In conclusion, why should you take this opportunity to support God with an offering to any level to mass produce and distribute Scripture? Firstly, because honoring the Creator by appropriately obeying His call is a wise and grateful thing to do. Secondly, because your generous offering to God is guaranteed to bring many promised benefits and rewards in this world and in the next. Thirdly, because it brings spiritual happiness or heartfelt contentment for the sacrifice of generous support to release God’s power to make people attain destiny to resemble Christ for generations to come.

Be known to God for your generosity. He is watching.

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