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Christ portrait

Our mission is to Build Houses for God, in Righteousness

Laying Bricks

By Building Houses for God

We develop products that portray and reveal who Christ is, for mass production and distribution.


Products that are houses carefully built for God, we call Wilderness Tabernacles: Including Christ-Books and household materials that point to Christ. These serve as blocks for building Spiritual Houses that are people who come to resemble Christ the Pattern in righteous character.

Through capacity building of institutions and outreach offices, we call Physical Temples, that function as embassies of Christ.

Tabernacle of Christ
Dig for Treasures
Center for Learning and Thought
By Academic Learning

The Center for Learning and Thought is The Academy that functions to graduate and ordain Representatives of Christ in the land: Spiritual houses for God.


The first product of the Academy is the development of The Curriculum, or Wilderness Tabernacle (Dig for Treasures). Endorsed by the Lord, "Anyone who completes this Curriculum will be ordained as representatives (Spiritual houses) of Christ."


Building institutional capacity to operationalize the Academy, Physical Temple, to function as an embassy of Christ, is the present push.

By Growth through Trade

We help God's people to grow through trade, as the Lord commanded to do.


The product is Sustainable livelihood for beneficiaries, and scholars in the Academy. We help identify, train, and enable Talents and Opportunities. So, God's representatives earn own living in ministry and missions.


This solves the problem of dependence regularly found among ministers of Christ.

Loaves of Breads
By Scripture Distribution

By the Word of God, we found Why Christ is Holy, and loves humans deeply.

The product is the unique Scripture, The One Gospel, endorsed by God for use.

The unique Scripture points the world to the holy ways of God, even without a teacher: Solving the problem of distraction in the Church from God's Priority to have innumerable holy sons, by pursuit of wealth and advantage.

By Publishing and Broadcasting

In partnership, we build and strengthen approved opportunities to publish

and broadcast Christ.


The products are an array of published Christian Books and Household materials, Wilderness Tabernacles, with carefully crafted contents and labels that reveal Christ.

For free and affordable distribution to Public and Private Establishments like hotels, hospitals, homes, libraries, Media, and schools.

We Value the Partnership Support
For Enquiries

Shared Concern

To confront global insecurity and inadequate parenthood, together.

Shared Passion

By focusing on building houses for God in heaven, through Scripture production and distribution.  

Shared Priority

By ordaining representatives for Christ, through academic learning and thought.

Shared Commitment

To lead into a better brighter and best future, by growing through production, service, and trade.

Shared Success

To put a smile on Father God's Face, in the end. 

Our Pillar

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